Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thanks for serving, Lee!

SPC Haberthier - Military Intelligence maintainer and integrater.
Currently stationed at Fort Bragg, NC with the 319th MI BN after a tour in the M. East.
He and his family are good friends and have been since he was a 5th grade hockey player.

Glad you are back on domestic turf!

We are greatful that you are serving your country!

Thank You, Lance Corporal Thompson, for being strong

Lance Corporal Reed Thompson - 50 Caliber Machine Gunner
Currently serving at patrol base 302, Afghanistan.
18 firefights in 21 days in October.
From a good family and good friends in Denver.

Stay safe, Reed!

Friday, January 20, 2012

it's a simple matter of getting my girth pulling me forward...

Ran my first sub-7 minute mile split in years at the SAP event in N. Orleans this week.  Nice event and raised over $40K for the local community!

...too bad Bataan is all about endurance not speed...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Was feeling pretty good about running 925 miles over the last 10 months...until I realized that I hurt running less than 1/2 the distance of Bataan...on a treadmill!  No headwinds...

clocks ticking and I've got a lot of work to do!