Wednesday, January 22, 2020

2020 Here We Come

8 years ago, I mentioned the addictive nature of the BMDM but didn't know then that Chris Brown would also get hooked & we would return in 2018 and 2019 (the latter with heavy packs and his bride)! I've got a team!  Rednecks Leathernecks and The Bodyguard are coming...

2019 - Snow in the Desert?!

Home sweet home -  a few more blankets would have been worth a mint that night.
The snow did make race morning conditions about as ideal as you can hope for.

Chris & Kathleen - the couple that rucks together...

If you have participated before, you know this guy.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


The dreaded SandPit

Winds so intense that the weights and posts on this circus tent were pulled out of the ground

Foreshadowing?  Who knew at the time that Chris would want to go back the next year, but heavy pack?!


These guys are what it is all about.
 Home sweet home.