Monday, March 26, 2012

2012 Bataan Death March Memorial Marathon

The race is finally complete.  An amazing experience.  On the personal level, I have now lived through the various challenges on the course that people have tried in different ways to describe.  Two things are obvious - 1.  words really can't describe the insane hurdles thrown into this course.  2.  while it was all difficult, everyone has a different perspective on what was most painful.  There hasn't been anything in my life that remotely compares to the physical toll I felt going through this.  That finish line was one welcome site!

In the broader view of the event, it's hard to describe the pride in our country that I have from being part of this.  Our soldiers are amazingly tough, yet quality people.  The people running the event not only ran the event with precision, but were super nice...and I've never run a race before where I've bonded with more runners as we worked thru the pain - from David from Castle Rock who kept coach me to run the downhills, not the uphills, "Miss Congeniality" Rachel and my savior Mari with the sports beans to Tim Timmons, Division Chief at Joint Interoperability Test Command, who ran with me from mile 18 to 20, to General John Ferrari, Commander of White Sands Missle Range, who not only hosted the event but also ran in it  (I didn't catch him until half way up Hell Hill).

I'll post more pictures and stories shortly, but want to finish with how I started - with a plea that you show support for our military.  The U.S. Army is not a nameless, faceless corporation, it is a bunch of tough individuals who have put themselves at daily risk of incredible physical challenge, torture or that we can enjoy the freedoms that we have.  They are real people with real families, who while proud of their commitment worry daily for their safety.

If you don't have a favorite cause, consider giving to the Sgt. Todd Gibbs Scholarship - the link is on the right side of this webpage.   He was a real person with a real family who sacrificed it all so that we can live at home in peace.

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